Raindrops keep falling on my head

Wow, I woke up around 2:00 a.m. to a noise. I figured either somthing blew up or thunder.

Then waking up this morning, yes, it rained! Clearing up now.

And the car was parked in a huge puddle. I did a major contortion to get into the back seat without getting soaked feet from the 8 cm or so of water it was standing in. Thanks to the remote which opens all doors.

They have no drainage systems here in general so water stands everywhere.

The desert has lots of standing water now and I’m told the flowers will come and maybe even mushrooms which are apparently a delicacy here.

And, it is apparently like the earliest every that rain has come. It smells nice and fresh outside in the office here. I’ve opened the window. You can do that here in all places even though they are air conditioned.

That’s all for now.


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