Dives 24 and 25

Finally, the weather was great, and the water was smooth. So we went for our first two dry suit dives.

The first dive was as usual after a while between dives not as smooth as could be in general, the drysuit adds another level of complexity to buoyancy. And I find the first dive with completely new stuff kind of not easy and comfortable. I sucked air at an amazing rate, practically double but should be no leaks in the regulators.

The water temperature was 16 degrees C. That doesn’t seem cold, but in a wetsuit would be too cold, in the drysuit, cosy!

Dive 24

The visibility was pretty good. And the second dive went well, I didn’t such air so much, though still a bit more than I’d like.

Dive 25

Note the profile at the beginning. I went down and came back up as my buddy’s ear was not equalizing. So, we thought we had to call the dive. But then his ear was OK, so we went down and then my right ear was too tight and I was close to calling the dive off. You can see in the profile at around 6 meters a couple of pauses. But then it was OK so we went on and all was well. Interesting in that my left ear was tight from the vestiges of a cold so in the morning I took some Otrivin but only in the left side. Should have done both sides.

Stay tuned for some topside video of the dive. I’m looking for the digital video cable for the camcorder to upload it!


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