Shivaratri and Birthday Pujas, March 2007, Pune, India

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8 responses to “Shivaratri and Birthday Pujas, March 2007, Pune, India”

  1. vinod r navwab

    very sharp and LIVE photographs.For me it was just like attending the event.Thank you Very much for spreading message of Shri Mataji.

  2. Kripalini

    Jai Shri Mataji.

    Thank you so very very much for these beautiful pictures with the wonderful music.

    I have not been able to attend any Puja lately; now you brought the Sahaj joy into my home. This proves again that we are all connected; nobody is alone. We are all part and parcel of the Whole – our Divine Mother.

    This Easter is a very special one.

    Thank you very much.

    Jai Shri Mataji.

    Kripalini Armistead
    Bakersfield, California

    Jai Shri Mataji.

  3. Vimala.D


    Dear Ian,

    Brother, I not seen such beautiful photography. Great work. please send me more links. I felt really happy to see Mother’s pictures, full of vibrance.


  4. Ravindra Motagi

    Jai Shri Mataji

    Ian Bhaya..:)

    i felt very happy .. to see all photo gallery it is very nice i enjoyed see all .. i saw all dubai collective dance prg also .. i am from dubai collecative ..u r in kuwait .? if get chance come to dubai .. where is centre in kuwait .?



  5. madhusudan pillai(Bahrain)

    JSM, I am so pleased to watch the photos,so nicely taken photos,i have never seen so good photography.I was there for the puja ,really a great art work,pls bring in more .Thanx.
    With love,

  6. Jyoti

    For shivratri & birthday pujas photo

  7. B. Visalakshi

    Vey beautiful photographs. As i could not attend the pujas, i am very grateful for the photographs which have transported me to nirmal nagari to enjoy the celebrations. with love – visalakshi

  8. Wolfgang Hollerweger

    Hi Ian
    really great pics. may i ask which camera you are using ?
    tried to view the slideshow with firefox – said it was missing a plug in (‘unknown plugin application /x-photodex-presenter’)

    thanx for the joy


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