A Very Dusty Day in Kuwait

dust storm in Kuwait

I was going to dive today but woke up seeing a haze outside in the air. The water is not from rain but construction in the area. Though it did rain earlier this week. And, one breathe outside tells that it was dust storm. Well, hard to call it a storm as there wasn’t any wind in the morning. So no dive trip. I still went to Dive Caroline as it is only a ten minute drive with a Starbucks on the way for a single espresso.

So we went shopping to Salmiya and then Ikea and the new Avenues Mall. The photo is in the alley next to Eureka where I took my iPod in again for repairs and we also finally got a convection microwave oven. The iPod screen has gone bad. Apple quality, well they use electronic components like everyone else. Fortunately I have a three year warranty. Otherwise the warranty here is only three months.

The wind picked up in the afternoon a bit and it cleared off, but in the night the dust is back again. Covering everything.


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