Monday and Tuesday Diving and Dinners

Monday was a tired day as I was too tired after not enough sleep last night because we stayed late to end of soccer match, which went overtime and penalty kicks!

I was concerned that gas would be a big expense but it isn’t too bad and the car is quite easy on gas. The gas prices are in Euros.

Gas Prices in Cyprus

It was tricky though figuring out how to actually get the gas. You have to put in cash into this machine and key in the pump number.

Gas Station Pay Machine

Tuesday’s dives went well.

Dinner in Larnaca was at a restaurant practically across the street from where I was staying.

Restaurant Sign

They even put french fries inside the gyro sandwich. And you can get pork. I’m not a huge pork eater but I had it as why not, I can’t get it in Kuwait!


The juice is great. Apple and Guava! I found out on the last day too that you can get fresh pomegranate juice which is great. Cyprus has a great variety of local fruit and vegetables.


Apple and Guava Juice


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