Category: Korea

  • Han River in Seoul

    Han River in Seoul

    It is a happy picture with a bit of feeling of mystery but it still kind of reminds me of the The Scream by Edvard Munch due to to the rendition of the sky.

    The Scream by Edvard Munch

  • Seoul to Kuwait via Dubai

    Well my bag, the green one made it onto the plain in Dubai for the final let into Kuwait. Then we waited as there was a problem with the air conditioning on the Kuwait Airways plan. An hour and a half late we took off. And the Kuwait to Dubai flight last week there was also a problem on the Kuwait Airways plane that they had to fix, which delayed us an hour and our bags didn’t make the connection to the Emirates flight to Seoul.

    Loading my suitcase in Dubai


    Then it is time to fly into Kuwait.


    Kuwait Airport Landing Approach


    Apparently the last week it has been sunny in Kuwait and it is only today that it is dusty.

    Kuwat Airport Termina

    We didn’t dock at a gateway, we had to board a bus to the terminal. Same in Dubai, as there is so much construction going on.

  • Wireless Coffee Ready Indicator

    Wireless Coffee Ready Indicator, originally uploaded by Mister Ian.

    Friday, August 01, 2008 6:31:46 PM There are zillions of Coffee Bean & Tea Leafs in Seoul. More than Starbucks. And they are not cheap, costing even a bit more than in Kuwait, if you ever thought that possible. This gizmo vibrates and flashes when the order is ready to tell you to go up to get it.

  • Amateur Music Performance in Insadong

    Cute! On the street at the same place I saw the other performances on the weekend. It is kind of like an open mike corner!