Category: technology
The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos
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Should you be worried about global dimming?
Not only global warming, there is also global dimming. Should you be worried about global dimming? – By Brendan I. Koerner – Slate Magazine
Using Hydrogen Instead of Oxyacetylene
This is interesting. I wonder how popular it will get though. The number of people needing this isn’t what is used to be now that plumbing is mostly plastic Hydrogen Technology Applications, Inc. Makers of Aquygenâ„¢, a combustible gas made from water that is a safe, cost-effective, and an environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional industrial gases.
Computer Speakers
Well, I went and splurged on good speakers for the computer. I figure I spend a lot of time at the computer and now with the new speakers I don’t want to leave it. Not quite life changing but, nice and good quality so should last many years. The sound is really good even with…
The video Microsoft doesn’t want you to see
Everybody likes to say how bad Vista is. But I think they may just not know how to use a computer! Yes, you need to be careful that you don’t bog it down with junkware like bloaty antivirus, anti this and anti that but my two month old HP laptop with Vista is OK. I…