Category: Uncategorized

  • Word to Excel Breaks

    1. In Word replace all the paragraph marks with a unique character.
    2. In Excel replace the unique character with the Excel line break character.
    3. In the Replace field, enter the following Alt code: Alt+0010. This code enters in a single line break. You will not see this character but the cursor may change.

    Note, to enter an Alt code, hold down the Alt key as you type the digits on the numeric keypad. It may help to have Num Lock on.


  • Excel Reverse Pivot Table

    Excel VBA to reverse a Pivot Table. You can always trust finding Excel stuff if you use J-Walk as part of the search.

    Sub ReversePivotTable()
      ' Before running this, make sure you have a summary table with column headers.
      ' The output table will have three columns.
      Dim SummaryTable As Range, OutputRange As Range
      Dim OutRow As Long
      Dim r As Long, c As Long
      On Error Resume Next
      Set SummaryTable = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
      If SummaryTable.Count = 1 Or SummaryTable.Rows.Count < 3 Then
        MsgBox "Select a cell within the summary table.", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
      End If
      Set OutputRange = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select a cell for the 3-column output", Type:=8)
      ' Convert the range
      OutRow = 2
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      OutputRange.Range("A1:C3") = Array("Column1", "Column2", "Column3")
      For r = 2 To SummaryTable.Rows.Count
        For c = 2 To SummaryTable.Columns.Count
          OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 1) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, 1)
          OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 2) = SummaryTable.Cells(1, c)
          OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 3) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c)
          OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 3).NumberFormat = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c).NumberFormat
          OutRow = OutRow + 1
        Next c
      Next r
    End Sub
  • What’s In a Website

    A website is made of many components.

    1. Servers and software. You can host it in many ways. WordPress is a CMS and you can put onto
    2. Site setup, logins etc. Different levels can be setup: Admin, editor etc.
    3. Site layout, types of pages and posts, templated.
    4. Site behaviour, hover, parallax etc.
    5. Colours, backgrounds, borders, rounded edges, spacing, drop shadows etc.
    6. Fonts and font sizes
    7. Borders
    8. Site content: Images, icons, and text editing.
  • 100 Years Ago Passchendaele

    This isn’t my Grandfather Frank Clifford Butterworth but he was wounded exactly 100 years ago in the Battle of Passchendaele.

    The commitment to service is strikingly shown in the form below: “Terms of Service: Duration of war”

    He was wounded in his face, shoulder and leg.

    • His shoulder wound severed a major artery. The records show he received a litre of blood.
    • He never gained normal function of his arm.
    • His facial would was severe enough to later cause an infected parotid gland (the salivary gland).

    He ended up in a hospital in England and was “invalided” to Canada October 18, 2018 for further months of recovery.

    Note if you are interested you can access Personnel Records of the First World War here.

  • A Not Ski Day

    Ironically it’s snowing too much. Looking forward to Friday then to ski. So I spontaneously decided to donate.