
  • Today’s Dive

    We went out in the boat. The water had swells of up to about 1 meter. So the going was slow and the boat was ploughing up and down the swells. Dive Caroline has an older smaller boat and a larger newer boat. We went in the smaller boat, departing at 8:00 am. Then we got to Kubbar Island and tied off the boat to the anchor buoy.

    Well, as it is near full moon and the tides are strong the current was strong and also the water was rolling the boat quite a bit side to side. Everyone started to gear up, but before long, someone was seasick over the side. This started a chain reaction through the people on the boat. Three of us got in the water and avoided the heaving boat.


  • First Posting

    Hello everyone.

    In response to many questions about what life is like in Kuwait, I setup this blog.

    Also, I’ll post various notes of my travels. Stay tuned.