Category: education

  • Calgary Engineering Students Provide Unique Message for the Space Shuttle

    From University of Calgary, where I spent four years to get my engineering degree. Too bad for the clouds and the astronauts didn’t see the lights. Here’s another use of lights on sheep. I think there was some manipulation of the video though. It looks too good.

  • The Science of Experience – TIME

    Experience is not only insufficient for expert performance; in some cases, it can hurt. Highly experienced people tend to execute routine tasks almost unconsciously — think of Monica immediately glancing up to see Ardman’s dopamine drip — and they retrieve the information they need quickly, rarely pausing to apply rules. Driving is a good example.…

  • Bill Gates: The skills you need to succeed

    Bill Gates writes an article for BBC and he says what I’ve always said, stress the three R’s not the latest in computers for students. … there’s no doubt that the ability to use software tools effectively is critical to succeeding in today’s global knowledge economy. A solid working knowledge of productivity software and other…