Category: stapedectomy

  • Stapes Bone

    Stapes Bone, originally uploaded by Mister Ian.

    This is what was removed!

  • Stapedectomy at House Ear Institute

    I’m in the final packing now. Not too much to take. I plan to augment my wardrobe with some shopping in Los Angeles.

    The surgery is scheduled for the early morning on January 9, 2008. The surgeon is Jose N. Fayad, M.D. of House Ear Institute (Wikpedia link) and the surgery will be done under a local anesthetic at the St. Vincent Medical Center across the street from the House Institute.

    Stay tuned for updates on the surgery and results as soon as I can post them.

  • Counting down now to the stapedectomy

    It’s my turn in 8 days, the right ear though, and I don’t know if they’ll video it. Stay tuned. And here’s a prior post I did way back on my otosclerosis.

  • Otosclerosis

    Ear internals
    According to the specialist that I saw January 6, 2006 I’ve got this as the problem in my right ear hearing loss. He said it can be surgically fixed or I get a hearing aid.

    Considering I want to SCUBA dive, he said surgery may not be the short term option and there is no harm in waiting anyhow. And I’d like a cranial MRI scan before doing it. Maybe I’ll try flouride for it as well? Some articles say it works. The inner ear bones are very small, the stapes is less than 3 mm. The cause of otosclerosis is the stapes not moving due to calcium buildup limiting its motion.

    Wikipedia article on otosclerosis here and on stapedectomy here.

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