Category: driving

  • Another Wreck on the Roads of Kuwait

    Another Wreck on the Roads of Kuwait

    I don’t know how this happened. But very often people cut in at the last second to make a turnoff and it is scary how close they come to crashing.

    Sad thing is you can see a baby stroller in the trunk. I hope a child wasn’t in the vehicle at the time of the accident. People don’t use child car seats here.

  • Car on it’s side

    Another Car Crash in Kuwait

    You can click here to see on Google Maps where it occurred.

    Driving here just wears you down. There are so many selfish, aggressive, non-attentive, distracted, dangerous drivers. You cannot make even the shortest journey without having to avoid at least one idiot hauling up to your rear bumper and flashing lights to pass or swerving or pulling out from a side street without looking or changing lanes without looking. And there is such a speed differential on the roads here with the speed limit of 120 and people going at least that in the left lane, slow trucks and buses going 50 on the right and even cars in the middle lane going 50. Add that to people swerving across to make exits and other cars merging on and you see what I mean.

    It must have been tricky leaving this car on it’s side though.

  • Dangers of Texting While Driving

    The link is via a CNN article (the CNN article has the wrong video link though, so I fixed it here.

    Though some places are passing laws only allowing hands-free talking while driving that isn’t enough. Studies have shown that a hands-free is just as distracting as holding the phone to your ear.

    Hopefully this kind of message sinks in. It isn’t just texting it is all distractions, looking at the iPod, adjusting the radio, smoking etc. etc.

  • Driver caught at 190 km/h in 70 km zone

    This happened in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and is reported in the Calgary Herald

    A 21-year-old Edmonton man driving 190 kilometres an hour in a 70 km/h zone this week had the misfortune to zoom right past an unmarked police car.

    Police spokeswoman Patrycia Thenu said the man was driving his newer model Audi erratically Thursday night and flashing his headlights in the rear-view mirrors of cars he approached, including the unmarked car.

    He pulled over immediately when the officer turned on his emergency equipment and was co-operative with the officer, Thenu said.

    Thenu said the man wasn’t on alcohol or drugs. he was issued a speeding ticket and will have to appear before a judge.

    Nothing unusual with that kind of driving in Kuwait, you see that kind of driving all the time! Of course you also see horrible wrecks too.

  • Another Reminder to Drive Carefully in Kuwait

    Crashed Car Near Messila

    It is impressive how the driver’s space is maintained even in a horrible crash. I have no idea how the driver made out. There are many deaths on the roads here.

    Inside the Crashed Car

  • Fender Bender

    Prado Fender Bender

    Somebody backed into The Prado today. No injuries just time spent sorting it out and getting the police paperwork done. Now we take the piece of paper and get the damage fixed all covered by insurance.