Author: Ian

  • Slovakia and Czeck Replic

    Some pictures from my October trip to Nitra, Slovakia and Prague, Czech Republic with closing shots from Vienna.

    Click any image to see it larger.

  • Art and Science

    I listen to a many podcasts when I’m out and about and not listening to audio books. On the iPhone I use the application Overcast. It has built in audio processing called smart speed to dynamically remove silences in the podcasts. And I normally play the podcasts at least at 1.5 times normal speed. Overcast, like most podcast apps, downloads new episodes in the background over Wifi to not use up my mobile data.

    One podcast I like is Inquiring Minds featuring Indre Viskontas & Kishore Hari

    Each week Inquiring Minds brings you a new, in-depth exploration of the place where science, politics, and society collide. We’re committed to the idea that making an effort to understand the world around you though science and critical thinking can benefit everyone—and lead to better decisions. We endeavor to find out what’s true, what’s left to discover, and why it all matters with weekly coverage of the latest headlines and probing discussions with leading scientists and thinkers.

    I’ve been listening to it for many episodes and know that Indre Viskontas is Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience but recently in a podcast episode she gave reference to working with an opera company. So art and science can coexist!

    or in a more formal performance

  • Chinook Pineageddon

    Chinooking like crazy. We started early so managed to beat the major snowpack obliteration and wind.

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  • Happiness at PLPP


    After some warm weather fortunately it snowed to cover the really hard spots. Mostly skied on good tracks with some fresh snow. Elk Pass was a skier track mostly due to all the new snow.

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  • Warm Ski Day 18 Canmore Nordic Centre

    Super warm, with lots of humidity as the cloud cover came in. Grip and glide were challenging as the snow got warmer as the day went on with above zero temperatures all day. At lest we got in over 30 km.

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